Episode 4: There's A Goddess in the Sky, Charles! or, The Phone Booth

"I never understood people who said they’d be glad if they wouldn’t have to eat in the afterlife. When I die, I’m going to miss eating the most. Specifically bread, pizza, and Indian food. In that order. The second most missed thing will be the people I leave behind, maybe. Who even knows if I’ll be capable of missing things? Either way you look at it, it’s comforting to assume I can miss anything during death and not be focused on solely one thing like, say, revenge. Or haunting a place. Or misery. I hope to have a wide spectrum of emotions."

Show Notes:

Story: Mika McIntosh

Person #1: Rebecca Hansen

Person #2: Mika McIntosh

Person #3: Mary Fons

Person #4: Mitch Hansen

Person #5: Jill Riddell

Music: Dave Supplee

Episode 2: She dispersed into a thousand cherry blossoms. I cried. It was a little dramatic. And confusing.

Episode 2: She dispersed into a thousand cherry blossoms. I cried. It was a little dramatic. And confusing.

"My life’s painfully mediocre. Tuesdays I hang out with some guys from work-- I don’t even think I like most of them, but making friends as an adult is a pain. Every other Thursday is karaoke night with Calvin. I have insomnia so sometimes I stay up past 3 AM watching infomercials and badly dubbed foreign films and usually on Saturdays I spend the entire day in my boxers briefs eating cereal and watching cartoons oh my gosh I am being a little too honest."