12. Richard - "Opposite Sex Attracted."

"We both kind of low key started liking each other, like we had a talent boner for each other."


"We tried to be good Mormon boys and study scriptures together, but as gay boys that accidentally meet up in college do, things slowly became a little more physical."


"So young. So gay. Even though we were young and maybe naive in some things, there was life experience that hit us pretty hard at SVU, too."

9. Steve - "Not that I really believe in luck, either. I just believe life is what it is."

9. Steve - "Not that I really believe in luck, either. I just believe life is what it is."

July 2018. Steve’s my second interview. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm excited anyway. We meet in a park, soak in some rays, chat, get interrupted by a phone call that causes me to lose part of the recording, and all around have a dope time.

7. Kris - "At what point does my chest size nullify my membership in the church?"

7. Kris - "At what point does my chest size nullify my membership in the church?"

November 2018. Kris's home is near a Cafe Rio I guess, because the GPS from the app I use keeps naming the audio files from the interview as "Cafe Rio". What the GPS doesn't know is that we're in Kris's living room, post dinner (chili and cornbread), and with a cat that just wants their Porg and some love. I relate heavily.